Straight From The Soul

Necole Stephens Blog






You Are The Answer You Have Been Looking For

You are the answer to your prayers. You embody them. The answers are you and within you all the time. You don’t need to look or seek or strain or struggle.

When I’m Feeling Stuck, I Do This…

When you realize that the highest version of yourself already exists, your job is to match up your current reality with that future reality.

When You Move Through Your Life, Do You Always Check Yourself

When we step into our full truth, some people fall away from our lives. That’s because they’re no longer an energetic match for us, and we can’t force people to rise in sync with our journey.

Struggling Through The Holidays

December – holiday’s - family gatherings - (Ok, I'm getting anxious just writing about it.) This month you're probably holding on for dear life, feeling an overload of anxiety. Some have shared with me that they mentally block out the entire month. Not an easy time of...

People Say the Most Ridiculous Things

People Say the Most Ridiculous Things

People Say the Most Ridiculous Things! You're trying your best to make it through the day, and then someone approaches you, makes a comment that you feel is so ridiculous, it makes you walk away just wanting to scream! This week I was asked:...

How To Use Colored Candles

How To Use Colored Candles

Candles aren't just for decoration.... Most of us burn candles on a regular basis but did you know that for centuries, colored candles have been used to aid in meditation, prayer, and intentions. Each colored candle has a different meaning....

Is There Really An Afterlife?

Is There Really An Afterlife?

Is there really an afterlife? Yes, absolutely! Now even though I believe, it still might not convince you. Believing in the afterlife is not something someone can just tell you to do. It's something you feel, you experience, you know and...

How Long Should I Wait?

How long should I wait to see a medium? The loss of a loved one is a devastating emotional roller coaster. You want and need to know that your loves are still with you and that their souls continue to exist in the afterlife. You start...

Remind Me To Keep Moving Forward

The Universe has a peculiar way of forcing us to face our pain. March is approaching which always sends me into that downward spiral (as the day that I lost my Zachary fast approaches) and at the same time, I was told I had to rewrite the chapter about his passing....