Meet Necole
Spirit Medium and Spiritual Coach
Each of us is faced with struggles, challenges, and heartache at some point in our life.
Throughout my journey, my faith has been tried and challenged, more times than I ever thought possible…
When I was three, I started seeing “strangers” at night. I was petrified and refused to sleep in my room. I had no idea who these people were or why they were with me. With my heart racing, I tried squinting my eyes, to see if I could recognize any of them but they would slowly fade away. Maybe I was imagining them?
It wasn’t until I was older that my grandmother explained that we had long family lineage of mediums and intuitives. My response, “We have Whattt???”
“Necole, we know things. We have premonitions. We see people that have crossed over. But do not to tell anyone. They’ll think you’re a witch,” she said trying her best to be comforting. I was grateful to her for at least trying to explain my strangeness to me.
I left home at the age of thirteen (to move in with my grandmother), and by the tender age of seventeen decided to rent my own apartment. Crazy, I know. It was risky but intuitively I knew that I would be okay. I spent most of my twenties being a professional student while searching for my spiritual self…Trying to connect the dots that never seemed to shape.
It was more like being in a maze, dazed and confused.
At twenty-two, I gave birth to our first son and married my high school sweetheart during one of my off weekends from my clinical rotations in nursing school. (Yup, in that order.) We had our second son at twenty-four in between finding and closing on our first home and graduating from my nursing program. Shortly after, I had my third son. As busy as I was with three boys, I wanted to go back to school for my Masters in Psychology… And I did. I worked my ass off, maintaining a GPA of 3.8.
But my soul was still screaming for more… I wanted to help people on a deeper level. I still wasn’t quite sure how I was meant to do this. I began focusing on how to truly understand and trust my intuition, when a tragedy shook me to my core…
My brother had always told me he wouldn’t live past 30. I told him he was crazy. One month after his thirtieth birthday, he passed away from a drug overdose. My world was shattered. I began to hear and see my brother (in spirit) but I tried to ignore it out of fear. We can’t connect with our own loved ones! I was grieving. I was just losing my mind. Right??
I was seeing him and he was relentless with trying to get my attention. I surrendered… and I listened… He re-awakened my soul.
My brother’s passing gave me the strength to (openly) connect to spirit and to truly connect to my inner self. A connection I had been suppressing for many years. I finally had the clarity that was once a thick fog. This experience pushed me the direction I had always longed for. Helping others with their spiritual journey…
Several weeks after my brothers passing, while sitting in Bioethics, it happened…I just knew. It was time. Call it intuition. Rather than taking notes, I quickly wrote two lists. The first list of all my fears. The second list all of my hopes and goals…. I stood up, walked out of the classroom, and straight into my advisor’s office. I withdrew from school. I went home and told my husband that I had quit school and work, and was doing my “spiritual stuff” full time. He said, “Okay. Only you know what will make you happy.”
From a young age, I’ve always known that something existed beyond what we could physically see…. I decided to listen to my heart, trust the process, and pursue the path I was born to follow. I began listening to spirit and conveying messages.
Moving forward…March 8, 2010. I went to wake up my three boys for school…Zachary didn’t get up when I called his name. My middle child, my healthy 11-year-old son Zachary had passed unexpectedly in his sleep. After a very long sixteen weeks, we were told he had a genetic mutation called Long QT Syndrome. No signs or symptoms except a sudden passing. Zachary’s heart had decided to “misfire”.
With it being genetic, we all had to be tested. My youngest son and I tested positive. I was numb…
How was I going to explain to a seven year old that he had what his big brother had, whom had just passed away? I pulled into a nearby Barnes and Noble parking lot and cried my heart and soul out. When I was finally able to pull myself together, I went home where my husband and I did our best to explain to Nicholas that he and I had a broken gene in our body… but that we would be okay…because Zachary had saved us.
It took every ounce of strength left in me to say those words… (Nicholas is on medication and responding well.)
Nine months later, my dad passed in his sleep from a heart attack at the age of fifty-five. It was more likely a broken heart after losing his son.
We walk through many storms, each of ours different and we emerge never to be the same…Do we become bitter or better?
Straight from the soul, I help others through their struggles similar to many of the struggles I’ve experienced myself. I followed that scream within my soul and I’ve never looked back.
I’ve learned that you are the warrior of your soul and only you have the ability to redefine what you believe is possible; using the passionate spirit you have within. There isn’t anything that you aren’t capable of.
So much love,
My Angel Zachary
Necole is the Founder of Zachary M. Tompkins Memorial Fund, a Non-Profit Organization for her Heavenly son Zachary. Zachary was a healthy, athletic 11-year-old boy who passed unexpectedly in his sleep on March 8, 2010. To find out more about Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome please visit: